Tree and Lights
100 piece Classic
Photo: Rosana Prada
USS Intrepid, New York, USA
150 piece Classic
USS Midway Museum in San Diego
USS North Carolina BB-55 Wilmington
Military Aircraft on USS Intrepid
USS Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum
USS Intrepid Museum Deck
Navy VF 781, USS Midway Museum
F-4 Phantom on USS Midway
USS Midway Museum, San Diego CA
National Salute to Bob Hope and the Military
Military Aircraft on Display on the USS Intrepid
USS Intrepid Museum in New York City
USS Midway in Downtown San Diego
HH-46 Sea Knight Helicopter
Aboard the USS Mount Whitney
A Day At The Intrepid
USS Harry S. Truman Conducting Carrier Qualifications
A Sailor Directs an AV-8B Harrier