Sachs Bridge, Gettysburg PA
150 piece Classic
Photo: Soaptree
Boeing CH-47 Chinook
100 piece Classic
Battle of Evesham Re-enactment, England
Roman Troops Historical Re-enactment
Old Toy Box
US Marine Bell Boeing MV-22 Osprey
Danish Soldiers Return to Copenhagen in 1848
Changing Guard Ceremony in Windsor Castle
Civil War Reenactment, Duncan Mills CA
Royal Guards at the Admiralty House, London
Soldiers Boarding a Military Helicopter
Civil War Re-enactment, Steilacoom WA
Military Helicopter in Gyeryong, South Korea
Royal Guard-Changing Ceremony in Seoul
Queen Elizabeth II Birthday Parade
World War One Illustration
Airfest Airshow in San Antonio TX
Parade on a Paris Street
National World War II Memorial, Washington DC
In the Troops' Quarters outside Paris
Navy Sailor Directing an F-18 Hornet
Soldiers in Tickertape Parade, NYC
US Marines and Honor Guard
National Salute to Bob Hope and the Military
Napoleonic War Reenactors
Memorial Day Parade in Washington DC
Military Honor Guard at LA National Cemetery
Changing of the Guard, Parliament Hill, Ottawa
The Deserter
Olympic with Returned Soldiers
Smile for the Camera
50 piece Classic
Gyeongbukgung Palace, Seoul
Roman legionnaires
Ranger Challenge Competition
Golden Knights Parachute Team
Field Observations & Preperations
Mobilization Training at Fort Dix, N.J.