Blue Rooms of the City Palace, Udaipur, India
100 piece Classic
Photo: Bule Sky Studio
A Battle Reenactment, Thailand
Wives of King Henry VIII of England
Living in the Past Lane Festival, Bridgeport CA
Elephant Show in Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
Williamsburg, Virginia
Battle of Evesham Re-enactment, England
Colonial Style Reproduction Home
150 piece Classic
Roman Troops Historical Re-enactment
Boeing B-17G Flying Fortress 'Yankee Lady'
50 piece Classic
Civil War Reenactment, Duncan Mills CA
Civil War Re-enactment, Steilacoom WA
Napoleonic War Reenactors
Vigilante Days Event in Tombstone AZ
Viking Colors
Royal Wedding Ceremony, Seoul, Korea
Wilderness Road State Park
The Good Knight
Korean Royal Procession
Mount Vernon on the 4th
Roman legionnaires
Field Observations & Preperations
The 1st Lieutenant and His Man
A Royal Marine