Cowboy Theme Park in Calico CA
100 piece Classic
Photo: Benny Marty
1929 Ford Model A Truck, Kingston, Canada
150 piece Classic
1934 Ford 3 Window Coupe, Dartmouth, Canada
Lunenburg Waterfront, Nova Scotia
Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia, Canada
1910 Franklin Open Touring Car
1958 Chevy Apache Cameo
Peggy’s Cove Fishing Village, Canada
Tall Ships Nova Scotia Festival
Trans Canada Trail, Nova Scotia
Ottawa House By-The-Sea Museum
Buoys and Ropes at Peggy's Cove
Buoys, Peggy's Cove, Nova Scotia
Peggy's Cove Lighthouse, Canada
Fortress of Louisbourg Kitchen, Sydney, Nova Scotia
Kitchen at the Port-Royal, Canada
Nova Scotia Fishing Village
Sydney Harbour, Nova Scotia, Canada
East Coast of Cape Breton Island
Shipley Head Lighthouse, Canada
Cape Forchu Lighthouse, Nova Scotia
Cox Warehouse, Shelburne, Canada
Barrington Woolen Mill, Nova Scotia
Pennant Harbour Lighthouse, Nova Scotia
Mabou Harbour Lighthouse
Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
Cape D’Or Lighthouse
Salmon River Lighthouse, Canada
Barrington Woolen Mill
Balache Point Lighthouse
50 piece Classic
Margaree Harbour
Walton Harbour Lighthouse
All Aboard
McDonalds' Brothers' Sawmill
200 piece Classic
Filler it Up...
Horse Motel
Corvette at Lighthouse
1959 Corvette Roadster
Corvette at Peggy's Cove